One of our most well known Biblical stories is that of King Solomon’s judgement on the two women who both claimed to be the real mother of one child. The women lived in the same house and both had baby sons but one had accidentally suffocated her own son while sleeping and then switched the two boys claiming the living child was hers.

After hearing the women present their cases as to who was indeed the mother he applied a strategy to test a mother’s love by threatening to split the baby in half, offering one half to each woman. Upon hearing this terrible verdict, the boy’s true mother cried out, “Please, My Lord, give her the live child—do not kill him!” However, the false mother exclaimed, “It shall be neither mine nor yours—divide it!” It was at that moment that King Solomon was certain who the real mother was. The true mother’s instincts were to protect her child at any cost, even to giving up her son.

I and my fellow Patriots are equally as prepared to give the oval office to the “other” candidate rather than watch our beloved country be split in two and die. We don’t want two halves of a dead country – we want one whole and healthy country because we love her. The Pretenders’ to Patriotism will allow the country to be divided and will even go so far as to demand it be divided. These are not real Patriots.

If we apply this wise King’s wisdom to determine who the real Patriots are in this country we will have an easy task. Patriots will not take a pass on this November election nor will they write-in their personal choice.  The Patriots will show up at the polls and vote for the nominee – not our personal choice who has no chance of winning. We will do this to save the life of our country, to keep her whole.

What prevents the Pretenders’ from seeing the true picture is their willful insistence to ignore a reality that does not coincide with their will. Like the willful, jealous woman in King Solomon’s time they only pretend to be the real Patriots, they insist that it is better to split the country so no one wins and allow the country to die.  They will bring calamity upon themselves, the rest of the country and indeed the world without any regard to the end result.

Whatever it takes to save this Republic the true Patriots’ will do. Likewise, the Patriotic candidates will step aside and rally for the nominee. They will call on their supporters to do the same especially when it is apparent that without that unification they put their country, which they claim to love, in grave peril.

Let us hope that these citizens will, in the end, make the right decision, the Patriotic decision, the wise decision. In this way we will know who the real Patriots are and who are just pretenders who offer only a false claim.

Jewish interpretation

According to the Midrash, the two women were sisters-in-law, both of whom had borne sons, and whose husbands had died. The baby was actually the lying woman’s nephew. Therefore, when Solomon suggested that the infant be split in half, the lying woman, jealous of her nephew and sister-in-law, agreed. Thus was Solomon able to know who the real mother was.


Filed under 2012 Candidates, America, Election 2012, Inspirational, Patriot, Politicians

2 responses to “TIME TO APPLY KING SOLOMON’S WISDOM – 1Kings 3:16-28

  1. OK wheres that darned emotion thingy.

  2. Unfortunately, after we’ve seen the GOP antics at the convention and the underhanded way they changed the rules, I believe they have marginalized those who may have been swayed. The GOP has a unique specialty of pushing people away.

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